How To Get Spell Reflection On Details Dmg Meter

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For the honor talent, see [Spell Reflection].

Spell Reflection is a level 65 Protection warrior ability that reduces magic damage taken and allows the warrior to reflect a spell back onto the caster. It lasts for 5 seconds or until a spell is reflected, and can be used both offensively, and defensively. Spell Strategist. Spell Strategist is one of the top tier single target sets. In addition, you can also frontbar the set only and still get crazy uptimes of the debuff on the enemy that increases your spell damage. The 500 spell damage can also be further increased with modifiers like increased spell damage from the Major Sorcerery buff. I've found that this spell on my tank, if i alternate hits on multiple mobs (in scholo for eg) will keep me 1st on mobs threat list when i get heals. It procs quit often when u r getting ganked. Ofc once a aoe'r like a mage starts in i will lose that threat. So maybe this chant is to assist in attracting and keeping aggro?

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Spell Reflection
Usable by
Other information
Level learned


Related buff
The spell was marked, 'Return to sender.'[1]

Spell Reflection is a level 65 Protection warrior ability that reduces magic damage taken and allows the warrior to reflect a spell back onto the caster. It lasts for 5 seconds or until a spell is reflected, and can be used both offensively, and defensively.


  • Spell Reflection is not affected by global cooldown.
  • Despite the nature of the ability, with patch 5.4.0 Spell Reflection no longer requires a shield to be equipped. If the warrior does not have a shield equipped, a visual of an equipped shield will be displayed.
  • Some 'boss' mobs in general and a lot of mobs in raids are immune to their own spell, but reflecting it means you don't suffer its effects, such as Fel Fireball against Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader.

Tips and tactics

How To Get Spell Reflection On Details Dmg Meter For Sale

  • A well-timed use of Spell Reflection can greatly improve the results of an encounter. An example of this is in the Caverns of Timedungeon, The Black Morass, against the mage-type Rift Keepers' [Pyroblast]. The long cast time should allow a sufficient reaction to reflect this powerful spell.
  • On heroic and normal instances Spell Reflection can be a very useful ability when tanking casters. This not only helps reduce damage taken, but also generates threat from the reflected spells.

Multiple reflects

Something less known about Spell Reflection is its ability to reflect multiple spells if they are both complete casting while the buff is still active. This makes it very useful when coupled with a charge, as it allows the warrior to reflect the initial spell from each casting mob simultaneously if their casts have the same length and start at the same time.

Patch changes

  • Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Now available only to Protection. Arms and Fury need to choose it as an honor talent.
  • Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): No longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.
  • Patch 5.3.0 (2013-05-21): No longer consumed by spells from player pets and guardians.
  • Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): No longer cost Rage and can be used in any stance.
  • Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26): Cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds, up from 10.
  • Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Now requires level 66.
  • Patch 2.1.0 (2007-05-22):
    • No longer has a global cooldown.
    • Reflected spells generates threat as if the damage were dealt by a normal attack. Also, this threat is subject to the usual threat multipliers granted by Defensive Stance and/or Defiance. This change was not officially noted, but it has been confirmed by several players.
  • Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.

How To Get Spell Reflection On Details Dmg Meter For Pc

See also


External links

How To Get Spell Reflection On Details Dmg Meter 2017

  • Death knight
  • Demon hunter
  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior
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Magic Reflection - In Jux Sanct
Mana Cost 14
Minimum Skill 38.0
Delay (seconds) 1.5
ReagentsGarlic, Mandrake Root, Spiders' Silk
Area of Effect Caster
Magery CircleFifth
Description The Magic Reflection spell decreases the caster's physical resistance, while increasing the caster's elemental resistances.
  • Physical Resistance Decrease = 20 - (Inscription / 20).
  • Maximum Physical Resistance = -5
  • Elemental Resistance = +10

(-15 physical, -5 maximum physical, +10 elemental at Grandmaster Inscription).

As of Publish 69, the Magic Reflection spell was enhanced to provide additional tactical options in player versus player combat only. Any direct targeted, non Area of Effect spell, regardless of its circle, can be reflected back to the original caster, excluding Bard Masteries. When a player casts magic reflect they will receive a Reflection Pool power which is based off of their Magery, Inscription and scaled by their Magic Resistance. An intuitive (yet unofficial) formula is:
where IB is the Inscription Bonus and MRC is the Magic Resistance Coefficent:
IB is 0 if the Inscription Skill is less than 50.0. The value is rounded down to the nearest integer.

MRC stays as decimal and is not rounded to an integer. Note that the Reflection Pool is rounded down to the nearest integer and is capped at 100% while the formula's maximum value is 110%. Because of this, not all skill values need to be maximum: 120 Magery, 100 Inscription and 108 Magic Resistance will yield 100%.

The level of the spell cast on a target will remove power from the target's reflection pool. The more powerful the spell cast, the better chance of defeating the magic reflection result. If the spell is not successful in bringing down the magic reflect, the spell will be reflected back onto the caster. Once a spell cast successfully depletes the pool of reflection power, it will damage the target.

This is true even if the first spell cast successfully breaks the reflect. Once a reflect is broken, there is a 30 second delay before the target can cast reflect again to replenish their pool. Magic reflection will only be removed thru purging or recasting magic reflection with an active reflection power pool. Items of reflection will take 60 seconds to charge. After equipping a reflect item there will be a 60 second delay before the reflect is active. This will use only one charge from the item. The reflect will act in the same manner as if it had been cast by the character wearing the item. Once the reflect is broken, the wearer must wait 60 seconds before the item will place another reflect spell.

The Magic Reflection spell has an indefinite duration, becoming active when cast, and deactivated only when re-cast. Along with Reactive Armor and Protection, this spell will stay on -- even after logging out -- until you “turn it off” by casting it again, or until you die.
Magic Reflection Buff Icon & Tooltip for
a GM Mage with no Inscription and
Magic Resist Skills

Magery Spells
First Circle

ClumsyCreate FoodFeeblemindHealMagic ArrowNight SightReactive ArmorWeaken

Second Circle

AgilityCunningCureHarmMagic TrapMagic UntrapProtectionStrength

Third Circle

BlessFireballMagic LockPoisonTelekinesisTeleportUnlockWall of Stone

Fourth Circle

Arch CureArch ProtectionCurseFire FieldGreater HealLightningMana DrainRecall

Fifth Circle

Blade SpiritsDispel FieldIncognitoMagic ReflectionMind BlastParalyzePoison FieldSummon Creature

Sixth Circle

DispelEnergy BoltExplosionInvisibilityMarkMass CurseParalyze FieldReveal

Seventh Circle

Chain LightningEnergy FieldFlamestrikeGate TravelMana VampireMass DispelMeteor SwarmPolymorph

Do rogues do dmg in legion. Jul 04, 2016  From what I see, the three rogue specs are more different than ever (indeed this is a theme with all classes in Legion), so I don't know that we should be speaking of rogues in general when it's primarily the Subtlety rogues that use Shadow Magic. Legion Rogue Class Changes. This post covers all of the changes to Rogues in Legion: talents, spec-specific abilities, artifacts, class changes, spell animations, glyphs, and tier sets.

Eighth Circle

EarthquakeEnergy VortexResurrectionSummon Air ElementalSummon DaemonSummon Earth ElementalSummon Fire ElementalSummon Water Elemental

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