Caelus Attack Speed Vs Dmg

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LULU - Top - Attack Speed + On-Hit/Crit Splitpush

Other ad's are corki and ezreral (blue ezreal especially) rely more on the damage from their abilities than auto attacks, which is why bloodthirsters and trinity forces usually came out - since their spammable abilities did more damage, and added a huge boost of burst on their auto attacks in between abilities, and these carries tend to build minimal attack speed until late game.

  • Lethality VS Crit Damage Runes Hello everyone i did some Math with Excel regarding Crit Damage Runes and Figured i show the findings with you guys. So at first i need to make the parameters clear.
  • Caelus deals more damage with his splash damage and animation cancelling, however kiting is hard or even impossible without speed perks. At 800% this can get you swarmed if you do not use your grenades and splash damage effectively. Calliope is safer in this regard, you can kite for days and never let anything near her.
  • Aug 20, 2019  Legend: Alacrity and Press the Attack are great runes for this build, allowing for greater usage of on-hit effects such as Lulu's Passive, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Wits End, and Blade of the Ruined King. Even for a crit based build I would prefer either Press the Attack.
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter
Bonus:Caelus Attack Speed Vs Dmg

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+15-90 HP (lvls 1-18)



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Dr. Mundo

Poke and trade efficiently, take ignite and be careful to not underestimate his damage.


Skill matchup, if you can W him as he jumps in you win trade. Dodge Q + E combo.


Can be difficult matchup if you let him poke with Q, punish him for using it to cs. Try to get a level and health advantage to force him to do so.

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Matchup can go either way, even if one side gets a kill the other can easily respond. Skill matchup.


Very easy matchup. He cannot stand up to you without using W, and when he does punish him and force him out of lane. Easily stop level 6 ultimates with W.


How to increase disk size of dmg. Relatively predictable, poke when below 50 fury, even if he goes in W will allow you to turn it around.


Become difficult to all-in once he gets W. If it is AP Nasus, make sure you get the push on him and poke until he is forced out. Try to all in early.


One on one laning will go in your favour, but he has a lot of CC which can lead to easy ganks top.


Easy to out trade in mini form, very predictable in mega form (like Renekton).


Skill matchup, a good Yasuo will be able to force your cooldowns then back off before you can counter.


Fairly dangerous matchup, you must punish her hard after she misses her stun


Hi, my summoner name is 'yonyGOD', and I play on the NA server. I am mainly a Mid/Support player. I am currently Diamond 3, looking to climb higher.
This is my first Mobafire guide, and I hope to learn from it. I will therefore appreciate and accept all constructive criticism towards anything that I've written in this guide.
Feel free to add me on either of my accounts:

Caelus Attack Speed Vs Dmg 10


Pros / Cons

- Great laning phase w/ harass
- Great peel for self + carries, even when behind
- With wards + kit can escape from most ganks

- Can turn around an all-in with W and R easily
- Very squishy early on and can die quickly if camped
- When chain CC'd can get bursted down by gank
- Forces jungle to build tanky
- Needs support with good peel


On Lulu, most often times I will choose to take Flash and Ignite. These choices and other options for this champion are reasoned for below:
Flash - Flash is a must for Lulu like many other champions, because of her squishy nature and vulnerability to ganks pre level 6. Also useful for getting in range of your strong E + Q combo to secure a kill in lane. Always take Flash in all lane matchups.
Ignite - If you feel confident you can gain a level advantage over the enemy laner early and all-in them at level 2 or 3, you have the option of taking ignite for kill potential in lane. Recently, I have been using ignite more because I've discovered that with it you can do a lot of damage at even level 1, which is something your opponents will not expect.
Teleport - Sometimes as Lulu you are forced out of lane because you used your R/Flash to save yourself, or you are out of mana for your peeling abilities. Without those it is easy to be dived under your tower even without the enemy jungler present, and TP can help you continue to bully the enemy laner and maintain your CS lead by teleporting back to your lane. TP is also useful because your level 6 is not only useful in top lane, but for your team in small skirmishes that can occur botlane or at dragon.


For this build, I like to go Precision and Domination.

Caelus Attack Speed Vs Dmg 1

AttackLegend: Alacrity and Press the Attack are great runes for this build, allowing for greater usage of on-hit effects such as Lulu's Passive, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Wits End, and Blade of the Ruined King. Even for a crit based build I would prefer either Press the Attack or Lethal Tempo over Fleet Footwork. I chose Triumph simply as a replacement to the previous Dangerous Game, and because it edges out the other two runes in value. In most cases, Cut Down would be chosen simply because very rarely do you face an opponent top lane with less max health than you. It helps with tank shred, as well as doing more damage in general.
Either Cheap Shot or Taste of Blood are viable choices here. Relentless Hunter I take just for the movespeed, though there are other decent options.


This is my standard start for nearly all occasions. As Lulu,your focus is to auto harass the enemy while staying out of range of their minions, as you are squishy. Blade offers sufficient sustain throughout the laning phase while you harass and zone the enemy.
Upon your first back, aim to pick up a Recurve Bow. This item synergizes very well with Lulu's passive, and gives you a lot of early damage. A viable second item would be either Blasting Wand or Pickaxe, both good choices. Blasting Wand does more for Lulu early game as her Q ratios are very good. As an added benefit, enemies may take this to mean that you are going AP, and they will perhaps itemize accordingly. However, if you have already picked up Recurve Bow, than Pickaxe will offer more damage in the early game.
Picking up Beserker Greaves is a decent alternative if you already have boots and cant afford Recurve Bow. Picking up multiple Dorans blades is viable, but I don't like doing it because I want to get to Rageblade as soon as possible.
Guinsoo's and Runaan's Hurricane are the core components of your build. These items allow you to splitpush and duel very effectively, which is the main thing you want to focus on. Aim to get these two items every game, as they represent a significant power spike for you. Second item Statikk Shiv offers very similar upsides, but Runaan's will give you a significantly stronger 3-item powerspike.
You can choose to get defensive items such as Guardian Angel, but it is usually not worth it until you get at least 1 more offensive item. There are a few options at this point of the game. Blade of the Ruined King is good if the enemy has a threatening frontline, and you are unable to hit anyone else. Otherwise, you should aim for more attack speed and critical chance. This can be done by picking up items such as Runaan's Hurricane and Wits End. I often find myself choosing Wits End as the magic resist shred can allow for your AP to have an easier time with tanks. Triforce is also a viable option if you prefer more of an on-hit build.
There are, in my opinion, two viable final item builds for AD Lulu. One is the traditional pure On-Hit build, which will consist of Guinsoos, Runaans, Wits End, Blade of the Ruined King, and a final situational item. Trinity Force is a good final item if you are not facing any offensive threats on the enemy team.
The second viable final build is more crit-oriented, and consists of Guinsoos, Runaans, Statikk Shiv, Phantom Dancer, and Infinity Edge.

Skill Sequence

Maxing Q first is great for all around poke in lane and a heavy slow for peel later on. It's base damages early even without AP are very strong. An example of this lane would be Riven or Jax.
Maxing W second is usually what I choose to do next, because it can counter a all-in both in lane and shut down fed enemy carries in teamfights as well.
Maxing E second is also viable, but this is more for a poke lane where there are not many all-in situations coming from the enemy. An example of this lane would be aganist someone like Teemo or Nidalee.
Maxing R whenever available is recommended, as its very strong combined with your W in peeling for yourself and turning on the enemy, whether in a duel or in a crucial teamfight.


To conclude this guide, I will recap the purpose of AD Lulu and how she can fit effectively within your team comp.
AD Lulu is meant to be a second ADC for your team. You may want to play her when you feel that your team can use the extra damage, when you have a tanky jungler, or when you have a support who can peel for all the carries.
The purpose of AD Lulu in the top lane is to poke your opponent early while not taking minion damage, and countering their all-ins with your W and R. This can be done by harassing then stepping into brush. Once you get your core items, you are a splitpush monster. You can force their team to come top, which can allow for your team to take important objectives like dragon and mid and bot towers.
Later on in the teamfight portion of the game, you are great at shoving other lanes with your Q and Statikk Shiv if you choose to buy it, as well as your high AS. If you have a strong support who can peel for you and your carries, you can easily win the fight with your large DPS.

Caelus Attack Speed Vs Dmg 3

However, if your lane does not go as well as you intended, you can resort to split pushing with Statikk Shiv and drawing enemies to you who are probably worth more than you if you aren't doing that well. Additionally, you can also act as a second support for you carries, as you kit was originally meant for a support.
Overall, AD Lulu, while it seemed to be really troll to me at first glance as well, can benefit your team composition greatly if played right.
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