Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg
- Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg 2
- Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg 2
- Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg 2017
- Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg Pro
Ability Scores Alignment Character Creation Outline Glossary Character Descriptions Barbarian – Rage Powers Bard – Masterpieces Cleric – Domains, Subdomains & Gods Druid – Animal Companions Fighter – Bonus Combat Feats Monk – Monk’s Bonus Feats Paladin – Mercies Ranger – Animal Companions Ranger Traps Rogue – Rogue Talents Sorcerer – Sorcerer Bloodlines Wizard – Arcane Schools Familiars Arcane Discoveries Alchemist – Discoveries Cavalier – Cavalier Orders/Samurai Orders Gunslinger – Gunslinger’s Deeds Inquisitor – Domain or Inquisition Magus – Magus Arcana Omdura Oracle – Mysteries Curses Shifter – Aspects Summoner – Eidolons Vigilante – Social Talents Vigilante Talents Witch – Patrons Witch’s Familiars Witch’s Hexes Vampire Hunter Antipaladin – Cruelties Ninja – Ninja Tricks Samurai – Samurai Orders/Cavalier Orders Arcanist – Arcanist Exploits Bloodrager – Bloodrager Bloodlines Brawler – Bonus Combat Feats Hunter – Animal Companions Investigator – Investigator Talents Shaman – Spirits Shaman’s Hexes Skald – Rage Powers Slayer – Slayer Talents Swashbuckler – Swashbuckler’s Deeds Warpriest – Blessings Unchained Barbarian – Unchained Rage Powers Unchained Monk – Unchained Ki Powers Unchained Rogue – Unchained Rogue Talents, Advanced Talents Unchained Summoner – Unchained Eidolons Kineticist – Elements Infusions Utility Wild Talents Medium – Spirits Mesmerist – Mesmerist Trick Masterful Tricks Bold Stare Occultist – Implement Schools Psychic – Disciplines Phrenic Amplifications Major Spiritualist – Phantoms
- Anyone can charge with a lance for massive damage multipliers and with a high ride check and a feat keep pretty safe. The gauntlets are so you can always threaten adjacent even while wielding the Lance. The other benefit is you can use lance and shield while mounted if you have proficiency.
- Mounted charge with a two-handed Lance while Frenzying: 2 attacks (thanks to Pounce), each doing 3x damage. 18 base Strength, 22 with Orc bonuses, 26 with Frenzy. Two attacks at 1 BAB + 8 Str + 2 Charge - 2 Whirling Frenzy = +9 (+10 if higher ground) for 1d8+12. 3 (so 3d8+36) with 20/x3 crits.
Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg 2
Other than that, all I know of offhand is some 3.5 content like the Battle Bridle and Riding Boots, which mostly serve to convert money into the Mounted Combat line of feats, or the Valorous Weapon property from Unapproachable East, which makes non-Lances do double damage on a charge or Lances do 3x damage, which stacks with Spirited Charge. At 3rd level, a cavalier learns to make more accurate charge attacks while mounted. The cavalier receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge while mounted (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the cavalier does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge attack while mounted. Lances and Charge Attacks: A lance deals double damage if employed by a mounted character in a charge. Weapons Readied against a Charge: Spears, tridents, and other weapons with the brace feature deal double damage when readied (set) and used against a charging character.
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Mounted Charge Pathfinder 3x Dmg Pro
As the title says, whats the highest Dpr You guys can get, average of it from 3 rounds of fighting? Assusming any content, race(hell, maybe even custom races) and favourable setting like having 2 opponents for cleave, same for smite evil and favoured enemy or simliar.
If possible have it at levels 1,6,11,16 but others are fine. My attempt(likely bad) at it got 29.5 Dpr as a orc with power atack/cleave
Almost forgot to include it but use the monster creation guidelines for ac and other factors(assusme all monster Crs are equal to you level)
(note, martials are defined as people with level then 2/3rds casting