Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction

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Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction Rating: 8,7/10 3841 reviews

Ever since the dreamhack tourny Shushei-wannabes have popped up in almost every game. Unfortunately, they arent playing gragas AP; But AP Alistar.
It's pretty much a fact, that i lose in 90% of the games, that has an AP Alistar on the enemy team, since my last 10 matches has had 1, and I have only won 1 of them. Before calling me a noob please notice: Before this 'Alistar-streak' i managed to catch up with the 20 more losses that I had and almost had an 10 win streak twice in the past 1 and a half week.
Now, you might think this is just random QQing, because i just lost 9 games in a row, and yea I AM pissed off that I have to lose to this AP Burst tank carry filled with CC. Personally I don't really think his dmg is THAT high (Higher than other tanks though), but really the thing that makes me whine about Alistar is his ultimate. There's NO ITEMS that deals true damage as far as I know, and very few champions has true damage (All of them was nerfed in some way in the past: Vayne, Cho'Gath and Olaf). His ultimate is almost Kayles ultimate, as it is very, very, very hard to burst down 70% damage reduction, but it lasts for EIGHT SECONDS. And to use the Dreamhack commentators words: Teamfights is all about seconds: 2 seconds stun is devastating, so you could imagine, what you can do with EIGHT SECONDS of being technically unkillable. He has become the mages answer to Tryndamere, only Alistar has 2 great CC skills, that really can pick a team apart, whereas Tryndamere only has 1 silence.
I hope this can describe the problem:
Singed Ultimate: Insanity Potion
Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him increased combat stats.
Spell Summary
Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him (35/42.5/50) Ability Power, Armor, Magic Resist, Movement Speed, Health Regeneration, and Mana Regeneration, as well as reducing Crowd Control effects by @Effect3Amount@% for (25) seconds.
Now, I know that Singeds ultimate gives him lots of other good things (And honestly I also feel that this ultimate is too good at its current state), but ultimately, with 3 points in his ultimate, he gains
50 ARMOR and
Now here is Alistars:
Unbreakable Will
Alistar lets out a wild roar, gaining bonus damage, removing all crowd-control effects on himself, and reducing incoming physical and magical damage for the duration.
Spell Summary
Removes disables from Alistar, and Alistar gains (60/75/90) Attack Damage and takes 75% reduced physical and magic damage for (6/7/8) seconds.
So basically, this spell is a FREE CLEANSE and it gives following Items:
2x BF Swords
7x Chainwest (=315 Armor which is roughly what is guess u need for 75% reduced damage vs physical attacks)
7x Negatron Capes (Same reasoning as above)
I just think this is way too much to give someone like Alistar, who has great damage from abilities and naturally pretty high base hp, so yea, you can basically build FULL AP, AND STILL BE THE BEST TANK FOR 8 SECONDS. And come on. Really, which teamfight lasts eightseconds, where you can just burst down and keep on CCing ONE champion.
When the game is about seconds, it is too much to spend 8 seconds just focusing 1 guy and if you dont focus him, he will deal lots of damage and be able to heal himself up again quite quickly!
+1 if you agree with my views, please

  1. Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction 1

Damage Reduction Abilities: Alistar. His ult at max rank reduces all non-true damage by 75%. Sustain: Mundo or Maokai. Mundo's ult at max rank heals him for 100% of his max hp over 12s, and Maokai's passive restores 12% of his max hp every 20s, but that cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds upon ability cast or being hit with an ability. Apr 05, 2013  Unbreakable Will does not increase Alistar's armor and magic resist. It reduces incoming damage by a set amount (50/60/70%). So what is very frustrating is 70% damage reduction at level 16.

Once he uses his skills in a teamfight, that's his job done aside from trying to right-click some people into (not so much) pain and death and actually scoring kills! .. yea, not gonna happen.
He almost requires Flash or a speedy initiation / brush initiation to get his skills off.
You may have to waste one skill to put the other on ( Headbutt one opponent > Pulverise the one you actually want to stun) and as such you can't actually stun > push the same opponent.
His Passive is.. meh at best. I like how he's supposed to hit down buildings and such with ease.. being a minotaur and all, but look at it this way.. If he can supposedly tear down buildings so well, why does he tickle minions comparatively? Surely if he deals 'increased damage to towers'.. a building.. made of stone not flesh.. surely he should hurt more to minions too? Just a thought.
Yeah, i'm rambling on.. so what? ^^
His heal is.. weird. I like the cdr on enemy death, minions or champs, but it still feels outta place - the amount is so negligable too, or so it seems if i ever lane with him, and i'm quite a defensive laner, so I aim to rarely take damage.. if he heals almost nothing seems to happen.
His ult is awesome.. but why would a well-organised team attack that which will die very slowly when there are squishier targets to attack? Yes.. the concept is good and it let's him tank towers VERY effectively.. but put that in a teamfight and outside of his skills he becomes a lot less useful than a Shen, sadly.
Also, his skill-sets cooldowns are beyond a joke D:

The division dmg vs dps 4. DPS = damage per second. So the damage the weapon can do over each second. I should imagine this is calculated by total damage over 1 minute/60. However you also have to compensate for bullets missed. An assault rifle may have a higher DPS but if you're missing most of the bullets its overall DPS is lower. However something like a sniper or shotgun, a missed shot will count for a lot more DPS. For Tom Clancy's The Division on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'I'm confused, DPS or DMG? I choose high DMG.' Mar 14, 2019  This video is all about damage. More specifically, how to get more of it. We'll be taking a look at additive vs multiplicative damage calculations and I'll also have a DPS calculator for you to. Mar 14, 2016  In this video i talk about The Division video game and the difference between weapon DPS and weapon DMG. If you like the video please like and subscribe.


Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction 1

Alistar's all-in threat is one of the main reasons to pick him, but enemies should be able to punish him for overly greedy dives. Increasing the cow's vulnerability to poke reduces the number of fights he should take, and he'll be generally more susceptible to enemy ganks and dying on the way out from a bad skirmish. Jul 07, 2011  Alistar lets out a wild roar, gaining bonus damage, removing all crowd-control effects on himself, and reducing incoming physical and magical damage for the duration. Spell Summary Removes disables from Alistar, and Alistar gains (60/75/90) Attack Damage and takes 75% reduced physical and magic damage for (6/7/8) seconds.